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Marathon Petroleum Corporation (MPC) and its subsidiary companies, which include Speedway LLC, have properties for sale. These surplus properties are located in 14 states throughout the Midwest and Southeast.

Properties listed with city names as active links have site plans, sketches or information sheets available to view or download. Click on the city name to view this additional information.

While we attempt to update this listing monthly to keep it as accurate as possible, please note that all of the information including property availability and price is subject to change without notice.

Below is a list of states where we have property for sale.  Please click the state you are interested in for a detailed listing of available property.


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Most properties are offered for sale subject to a deed restriction prohibiting the sale of petroleum and tobacco products or operation of a convenience store for 25 years. A typical deed restriction states that, "Grantee agrees that for a period of twenty-five (25) years from and after the date of this conveyance, the premises shall not be used for a convenience store or for the sale, marketing, storage or advertising of petroleum fuels, motor oils or tobacco products, and that this restriction shall be a covenant running with the land and shall be contained in and made a part of every deed, mortgage, lease or other instrument affecting the title to said premises."

While we attempt to update this listing monthly to keep it as accurate as possible, please note that all of the information including property availability and price is subject to change without notice.

uu加速器海外版- 爬墙专用加速器

For more information on contacting any of MPC’s Corporate Real Estate or Speedway’s Real Estate territory offices, see below. Our Corporate Real Estate Representatives and a Region Manager have responsibility for specific geographic territories.

Marathon Petroleum Company LP

Lori Clark - Southern CA, AZ
e-mail: LJClark@marathonpetroleum.com

Marathon Petroleum Company LP
301 E. Ocean Blvd., Suite 1600
Long Beach, CA 90802

(562) 495-6923

Bill Cramer - IN, IL, MO, OK, WI
o e-mail: WECramer@MarathonPetroleum.com

Marathon Petroleum Company LP
8902 Vincennes Circle, Suite D
Indianapolis, IN 46268


Colin Foutz - NM, Southern CO
e-mail: CFoutz@marathonpetroleum.com

Marathon Petroleum Company LP
301 E. Ocean Blvd., Suite 1600
Long Beach, CA 90802

(562) 495-6951

Dave Galm - MI
e-mail: dmgalm@marathonpetroleum.com

Marathon Petroleum Company LP
28001 Citrin Drive
Romulus, MI 48174

(313) 749-5792

安卓手机看youtube步骤 - AK, CA, CO, ID, NV, OR, UT, WA, WY
e-mail: BJGroneman@marathonpetroleum.com

Marathon Petroleum Company LP
257 E 200 South, Suite 480
Salt Lake City, UT 84111

(801) 715-4333

安卓海外加速器永久免费 -  CT, MA, ME, NH, NJ, NY, RI, VT
e-mail: CaHeath@marathonpetroleum.com

Marathon Petroleum Company LP
539 S. Main Street - Room D-05-008
Findlay, OH 45840

(419) 429-5102

极光vpm破解无限版 - FL, GA, NC, SC
e-mail: mpschultz@marathonpetroleum.com

Marathon Petroleum Company LP
5446 University Parkway
Winston-Salem, NC 27105

(336) 231-5718

Habib Shakkour - DE, Eastern OH, MD, Western NY, PA, VA, WV
e-mail: hmshakkour@marathonpetroleum.com

Marathon Petroleum Company LP
539 S. Main Street - Room D-05-008
Findlay, OH 45840

(419) 957-1706

Colleen Varga - AL, MS, TN, TX
e-mail: cvarga@marathonpetroleum.com

Marathon Petroleum Company LP
Galveston Bay Refinery
2401 5th Avenue South, TCO 126
Texas City, TX 77590

(409) 945-1626

Boyice Williams -  MN, ND, SD
e-mail: BLWilliams@marathonpetroleum.com

Marathon Petroleum Company LP
576 Bielenberg Drive, Suite 200,
Woodbury, MN 55125

(651) 769-2061


Valerie Taylor
e-mail: vrtaylor@speedway.com

Speedway LLC
500 Speedway Drive
Enon, OH 45323

(937) 863-6744

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